What is healthy sleep?

healthy sleep

Sleep is one of the most important components of human life. Exactly how a person slept at night determines his well-being during the day, affects his ability to work, energy, productivity and cheerfulness. Thanks to a healthy long sleep, people perform most of the tasks during the day almost without feeling tired. If a person has had enough sleep, it is visible on the face in the form of a smile, healthy skin color and bright eyes. A person who sleeps soundly at night has a good mood, is active and proactive.

Facts about healthy sleep

Everyone knows about the benefits of sleep, because probably everyone has experienced the state of lack of sleep and its consequences in the form of fatigue, daytime sleepiness, weakened immunity and reduced work capacity. In this article, let’s consider the facts that will allow you to think about the need for a sufficiently sound sleep.

According to research, any person cannot work effectively after two sleepless nights. Its productivity decreases by 60%. To quickly become productive again in this case, take Modavigil or Modalert. They are nonprescription medicines helping people keep the highest reaction rate and former concentration level after just 3 — 4 hours of sleep.

As a rule, people with chronic lack of sleep often have bloating, gastritis, pancreatitis and many other gastrointestinal diseases. Digestibility of food decreases to 30%.

There is a lot of stress in modern life, and in order to resist it, you need to get a good night’s sleep. As a result, you will begin to react to problems much more calmly and show patience instead of nervousness.

If you want to age faster, just don’t get enough sleep. Do an experiment – sleep 4 hours a day for a week. You will notice how slow and vulnerable you have become and how quickly you get tired – you will feel 10-20 years older. And it will take another week to normalize sleep.

Do you have a responsible project or solution? Go to bed, the solution will come in the morning. After all, sleep increases the efficiency of mental processes.

Daytime sleep is medicine for some people, especially for those who work night shifts. Doctors recommend sleeping for at least 30 minutes with such a schedule, and then strength will be restored, the body will cope with significant stress.

Also, it is not recommended to do sports if the human body is exhausted after a sleepless night. Any training will cause additional stress and fatigue, which leads to diseases.

Mechanism of sleep

Sleep consists of two phases – slow sleep and fast sleep. Slow sleep is longer, and it affects a person’s productivity during the day. Fast sleep restores the mental state, calms, relieves stress, and restores strength.

Duration of sleep

The most optimal duration of sleep is 8 hours. Longer sleep is harmful to the body; it leads to accelerated aging and pathologies of metabolic processes in the body. Prolonged sleep provokes the development of diabetes and heart attacks. A long sleep, as well as a too short one, provokes nervous stress, depression, disrupts the functioning of the heart.