The benefits of magnesium for concentration

Magnesium (Mg) is involved in more than 300 enzyme reactions and biological processes in the human body. Due to the fact that this element is an energy catalyst, its deficiency in the body significantly worsens the quality of life. In connection with the close relationship with all the processes occurring in the body, its deficiency can provoke convulsions, fatigue, depression, emotional stress, insomnia, absent-mindedness.

A vicious circle is formed: lack of magnesium causes sleep disturbances, irritability, disorders of the nervous system and endocrine system, in addition, chronic stress occurs. And stress reduces the level of Mg in the body and increases the need for this microelement.

Mg is not produced by the body on its own, so the easiest way to replenish magnesium (in tissues, organs, nervous system) is to eat food with high magnesium content. It is important to understand that a person absorbs only about a third of this mineral consumed with food. The rest is excreted with waste products (sweat and urine).

As a result of stress, high physical and mental workload, the need for magnesium increases. Therefore, there is no risk of excess Mg in the body with its natural consumption.

By increasing the amount of magnesium-rich foods in your diet, you can not only increase the level of the trace element in the body, but also stimulate the brain. This is especially important when you lose concentration.

The main sources of magnesium are:

– cereals (wheat, bran), lentils, beans, sunflower seeds, flax, sesame, pumpkin (additionally contain zinc and omega-3, which improve memory);

– broccoli, cauliflower (they also contain antioxidants and vitamin C, protect brain cells from damage by free radicals and improve concentration);

– walnuts, almonds, cashews (in addition to Mg, they also contain omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, which is necessary for the normal functioning of nerve cells);

– dark chocolate (also contains flavonoids, which stimulate blood flow to the brain, and glucose, which is necessary for energy);

– bananas (magnesium and high potassium content help to increase concentration).

It should also be taken into account that thanks to modern technologies of growing and processing products, the content of useful macro- and microelements in them is significantly reduced. For example, white rice has 80% fewer nutrients than brown rice, and vegetables and fruits contain 50% less nutrients after frying. There will be a maximum amount of useful substances in the dish, if it is not cooked for a long time and not frozen twice.

By following these tips, your concentration will definitely improve, until then take Modalert or Modavigil. They are used to improve efficiency and productivity at work, boost brainpower and mental performance. These drugs are nonprescription medicine helping people maintain the highest reaction rate and former concentration level.