1. 1. Wake up according to the “five-minute rule” There is an effective 5-minute wake-up system. Start your morning with positive emotions for first minute. Think about your beloved people, memorable events, and beautiful places. Second minute: take a deep breath to wake the body. Third minute: massage your temples, nape, earlobes and eyebrows to improve the blood flow to the brain. Fourth minute: rub your palms against each other; then gently rub your hands, feet, stomach, back. These actions improve blood circulation throughout the body. Fifth minute: you must calmly sit and drink a glass of water with lemon.
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One of the reasons of badly sleep is nightmares. They cause strong negative emotions – from fear to anger, which we experience at night and because of which we wake up. Frequent nightmares have a negative effect on health and reduce concentration during the day. A good dream seen at night is a guarantee of a good mood for the whole day. Of course, we cannot control dreams and order their plot. Even so, we can protect ourselves from nightmares. A serene sleep improves vitality, improves mood and, accordingly, helps weight control.

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