1. Find out when your brain is most productive.

Be active when your brain’s performance is at its peak. For example, you have noticed that you perform tasks faster and better in the morning. Your highest performance can be around 10 am, and in the afternoon you feel tired. So, work on your tasks at a time when the brain is in optimal condition. Then, when its performance decreases, stop or perform simple tasks.

Continue reading “6 ways to improve concentration”

After a cold or flu, it is difficult for people to follow the rhythm of life that was before the disease. The fact is that during the illness the body experiences serious stress – you can not work; you find it harder to follow your habits and achieve your goals. This is because the body devotes all its resources to fighting the virus. During the illness you get used to procrastination, because it is normal during the illness. And after recovery it is quite difficult to get rid of the habit of idleness.

Continue reading “5 tips to help restore productivity after illness”

1. Feedback.

You must be a role model for your employees. If you make a mistake and try to hide the situation, people will notice this behavior and start behaving the same way. As a result, problems in the team are not solved and sooner or later destroy the company. To avoid this, try to create a corporate culture that encourages feedback. Let every employee of the company know that he can always talk about the real state of affairs – and it will not be a problem.

Continue reading “6 ways to increase employee productivity”