According to research, nutrition directly affects the clarity of thinking. In most cases, to improve memory and clarity of thinking, it is enough to diversify the diet with certain food products. Let’s consider 6 most useful products that will help improve clarity of thinking and memory.
Continue reading “6 healthy foods that will help improve clarity of thinking”Your chronic fatigue may be the result of one of the reasons that you may not think about. In this article, we will consider five reasons for your fatigue, which, most likely, will surprise you, because these are constant “companions” of a person, but it is because of them that people do not feel active, energetic and cheerful.
Continue reading “4 reasons for your fatigue”There are some concepts called sleep hygiene. It has been proven that if a person follows the basic rules of such hygiene, then his sleep becomes stronger.
Continue reading “6 rules for healthy sleep”1. Do not drink coffee on an empty stomach.
“Awakening hormone” and “stress hormone” cortisol are actively produced in the morning from 7 to 9 o’clock. A cup of coffee increases its level and increases the activity of the body. The temporary invigorating effect disappears after 1-2 hours, and you become even more tired. Caffeine stimulates our nervous system. Thus, when drinking this drink in large quantities, the feeling of irritation will be all day.
Continue reading “5 rules of nutrition for people with chronic fatigue”1. You are malnourished.
This applies not only to those who adhere to a variety of diets and deliberately restrict their diet. Sometimes, because of heavy loads and stress, you can miss breakfast or lunch. As a result, blood sugar is reduced, the body does not have enough energy. If for some reason you can’t dine, get healthy snacks (bananas, whole grain breads, protein bars, dried fruits, nuts, etc.). They help the body to retain energy throughout the day.
Continue reading “Causes of drowsiness”