If a person often worries, works at night, has certain diseases (for example, neuroses, depression, arthritis, allergies, coronary heart disease), then over time it becomes difficult for him to fall asleep, he wakes up in the middle of the night and, as a result, becomes sleepy and unproductive during the day . In order to wake up in the morning refreshed and in a good mood, there are some tips that will help you do this.

Continue reading “How to have a healthy sleep”

According to statistics, every fifth person in the world suffers from insomnia. There are many reasons for insomnia, but the main ones are overwork, night shift work, stress and increased anxiety. If insomnia occurs 1-2 times a year, it will not harm the body, but if insomnia becomes chronic, it can significantly reduce the quality of life and negatively affect your health. What are the consequences of insomnia?

Continue reading “18 reasons to get rid of insomnia”

Every person needs at least eight hours of sleep. But for some people, five to six hours are enough to feel good and energetic the next day, while others, on the contrary, need nine to ten hours. As we grow older, the need for prolonged sleep decreases. However, according to scientists, for an excellent well-being, the duration of sleep should be at least five hours. If for some reason you cannot get enough sleep, take modafinil drugs such as Modavigil and Modalert. They are used to improve efficiency and productivity at work, boost brainpower and mental performance. Modavigil and Modalert are nonprescription medicines helping people keep the highest reaction rate and former concentration level after just 3 — 4 hours of sleep. And now you can buy Modavigil and Modalert online through our store without any prescriptions from the doctor.

Continue reading “Sleep disorders”

1. Breast cancer.

If you constantly work night shifts, the level of melatonin, the hormone responsible for falling asleep, decreases. But in addition, melatonin prevents the development of cancer. It blocks certain biochemical pathways in the body that are used for uncontrolled cell division. The release of melatonin is closely related to the release of p53 protein, the main defender of our body against tumors. The less melatonin, the less protein p53, and the more likely cancer cells will develop.

Continue reading “3 ailments that can be caused by night shift work”