In today’s world, everyone knows how important a long, sound night’s sleep is. Lack of sleep has a bad effect on the heart and blood vessels, provokes an increase in blood pressure, impairs concentration, productivity, and makes a person sleepy, tired and irritable. And constant fatigue in combination with daytime sleepiness has a negative effect on work capacity. Systematically sleep-deprived people are often overweight, have skin problems, and look tired and aged. How can you normalize a night’s sleep, make it restful, make it easier to wake up in the morning, and be energetic and active throughout the day?

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One of the best ways to help yourself be in a good mood, to be energetic and productive all day is to do morning exercises. But does everyone have the desire and strength to get out of a warm bed early in the morning and do the necessary exercises? Unfortunately no, does not. But everyone can do three-minute gymnastics at home!

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Gaining extra pounds during the cold season is a certain pattern for many people. In addition, in winter, people often consume less vitamins than in other seasons, so in the spring, many people experience fatigue, impaired concentration, daytime sleepiness, etc. To get rid of these symptoms, it is important to eat a balanced diet and try to include enough vitamin-rich foods in your diet. Eating a wide variety of vegetables and fruits is the easiest and most pleasant way to maintain health, a beautiful figure, energy and productivity at work. What vegetables and fruits are the most useful in spring?

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1. Pumpkin seed oil.

This oil neutralizes the harmful effects of free radicals, protecting the cardiovascular system from the damage they can cause. Vitamins contained in the oil contribute to the normalization of the heart rhythm. And unsaturated fatty acids strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

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A sixth of the world’s population has sleep problems. Symptoms of sleep disturbance can occur in any person. Whether they will appear depends on the state of the organism, both psychological and physical. We often think that sleep disturbance is insomnia. But even more people suffer from daytime sleepiness. This is also a deviation from the norm and a sleep disorder. Let’s consider both options when a person has diseases such as sleep disorders.

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