It is very difficult to grow tea, this business requires a lot of strength and compliance with all the nuances. Tea is harvested exclusively by hand. Since all the best varieties of tea grow on the slopes of the mountains, no tea harvester will be able to get there. And in addition to everything else, the tea must be perfectly clean, without impurities. And this can only be achieved by manual labor. The type of tea depends on the time of harvesting, the degree of fermentation of the harvested leaves. Leaves from different branches can become different types of tea, which have an individual taste and smell. Accordingly, brewing methods also differ. Brewing tea correctly is not an easy task, as it may seem at first glance.
Continue reading “Types of tea and their benefits”Everyone knows that a great day begins with a great morning. For example, to feel energetic, you must have breakfast. It helps you to be productive and also to improve your health and lose weight if you want it. If you don’t eat breakfast, you need to build this habit so that you can easily complete all the tasks during the day.
Continue reading “16 morning tips that will help you be productive all day”Many people periodically try to follow a healthy diet, visit fitness centers, gyms, do morning warm-up, which, in combination with a deep, sound sleep and an active lifestyle, should help strengthen immunity, prevent various types of diseases, and improve work capacity and energy.
Continue reading “A healthy lifestyle is the key to success and energy”The best time to sleep is at night. But what if you want to sleep during the day? Especially after a lunch break, when you relax and your body asks for a little nap. Is it worth lying down on a bed or a cozy office sofa during working hours?
Continue reading “Daytime sleep: is it necessary?”Before going to sleep, do you lie in bed for a long time and think about the events of the day and the problems that worry you? Do you often read your favorite books at night and go to bed at 2 a.m.? Remember that frequent lack of sleep leads to exhaustion of the body, its accelerated aging. Your nervous system needs to rest so that when you wake up in the morning, you can start work, be energetic and productive.
Continue reading “5 tips that will help you get enough sleep”