- Wear earplugs and a sleep mask.
Earplugs and a sleep mask are very useful tools for falling asleep quickly, especially when the body needs maximum rest for recovery. Earplugs help significantly reduce noise levels, which is especially important if you live in a noisy area. When you wear both the earplugs and the mask together, they provide quality rest, allowing your body to recover quickly after a night’s work. Additionally, this helps you adapt more quickly to changes in your routine and reduces the negative impact on your body caused by such work.
- Don’t go to bed feeling hungry.
When you don’t feel hungry during sleep, it helps prevent the weakness that can arise if you haven’t eaten beforehand. There’s no need to eat large portions of heavy food; you can prepare a light meal or snack. For example, a small portion of vegetables with protein or yogurt can help prevent discomfort and promote a more peaceful sleep.
- Take a shower.
After working at night, when your body has been under stress or physical exertion, a shower helps relieve muscle tension and stress. Warm water relaxes the muscles, reduces anxiety, and improves overall well-being, which is important for falling asleep quickly and achieving deep sleep. Another important benefit of a shower is that it cleanses not only the body but also the mind. After a tough shift, especially when you’ve worked in stressful conditions, a shower helps relieve the psychological burden. Water instantly provides a feeling of freshness and lightness, allowing you to disconnect from tension and prepare for sleep, creating an atmosphere of calm and relaxation.
- Meditate or do some light stretching.
During work, your body may be under stress or physical tension, and meditation helps reduce anxiety, calm the mind, and prepare the psyche for rest. Light stretching, in turn, releases tension, helping your body recover from physical strain. Both of these methods help you relax, distract your thoughts from work, and prepare for rest. Therefore, if you have time, meditate for at least 5 minutes and then do some light stretching for the whole body.
- Set an alarm for 4 hours.
In general, sleep consists of cycles, and even a short period of sleep can allow you to go through several full sleep cycles, which helps the body recover. If you sleep longer, you may wake up during a deep sleep phase, which leads to feelings of fatigue. When you can stick to a certain schedule, the body’s adaptation to a shift work regime will be much faster. Waking up with an alarm helps you get used to a certain routine and reduces the difficulty of waking up. If after sleep you still feel tired and unfocused, take supplements like Armod or Artvigil. The active ingredients in these drugs will help you to be productive after a night’s work and concentrate on the tasks at hand.