How to combat insomnia: 5 simple yet effective tips


We all know that a proper eight-hour sleep is not only an integral part of a healthy lifestyle but also a key to good mental health. Scientists have repeatedly demonstrated that sleep impacts the entire body, from metabolism to work productivity. However, falling asleep quickly (or even falling asleep at all) is not always possible for everyone. This can be due to external stimuli, overstimulation of the nervous system and many other factors. To establish a sleep routine and overcome insomnia, follow these tips:

  1. Take a bath.

Try taking a warm bath a couple of hours before bed; it can help reduce overall stress levels and relax your body. This method is particularly effective if you add essential oil to the water—such as relaxing lavender or chamomile. Depending on the plant from which the oil is derived, it can have various effects. Such oil can also help with headaches, relieve tension, treat skin rashes and even regulate hormonal balance.

  1. Take an evening walk.

Gentle walks can have a sedative effect on the body due to the oxygenation of the brain. After a walk in the fresh air, you’ll fall into a deep sleep more easily, so if you’re out of the city, be sure to take advantage of this tip. However, if you live in a noisy metropolis, an evening walk can still help combat insomnia. During your walk, find a quiet spot away from traffic and large crowds. An hour-long walk in the quiet can help distract you from anxious thoughts and promote relaxation.

  1. Meditate.

Meditation helps you relax, take your mind off daily concerns, improve sleep quality and increase inner peace. It’s also recommended trying yoga and breathing exercises. Any form of exercise in the evening can help regulate your internal clock and combat insomnia.

  1. Use an eye mask and earplugs.

It has long been known that melatonin is essential for quality sleep. Many people take it in the form of supplements, but in reality, our bodies produce it in the right amount if the conditions are right. Melatonin is produced in the dark and suppressed by light, so using an eye mask and earplugs can help improve your sleep.

  1. Go to bed on time.

To fall asleep quickly and easily, you need to regulate your internal biorhythms. This means going to bed and waking up at the same time every day. According to scientists, the ideal time for falling asleep is between 10 and 11 p.m., as this is when stress hormone levels decrease and sleep hormone levels begin to rise.

By following these tips, you can establish a regular sleep pattern and maintain productivity throughout the day. Also, it is important for some people avoid napping during the day. To combat daytime drowsiness and enhance performance, you might consider taking Armod and Waklert. These medications help restore cognitive brain functions, which is crucial for performing complex tasks that require sustained attention for more than 24 hours.