Diagnosis of the causes of decreased clarity of thinking

clarity of thinking

Deterioration of thinking, difficulties in memorizing information, and failures in memories are reasons to consult a neurologist. This specialist will investigate the cause of memory problems, make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment for most pathologies. If necessary, other specialists such as neuropsychologist, psychotherapist or psychiatrist may be involved.

The diagnostic process with a neurologist will start with gathering and clarifying the patient’s complaints (sometimes also from relatives), family, social, and medical history. Then, a neurological examination will be conducted to confirm or rule out the presence of a neurological disorder. Special tests measuring a person’s ability to memorize and retrieve information will be used to determine the extent of memory impairment. Depending on the suspected cause, additional diagnostic methods such as instrumental studies (EEG, CT, MRI of the head) and laboratory tests (general clinical tests, biochemical blood tests, specific tests for the particular cause) may be prescribed to refine the diagnosis and assess the stage of the pathological process.

Definitely, to address problems with clarity of thinking, it is necessary the therapy for the underlying pathology or removal of the temporary causes that caused cognitive dysfunction. But, the symptom itself—loss of clarity of thinking—is entirely amenable to correction. To improve brain function, medical therapy, correction of diet, physical therapy and various memory training exercises, which are employed effectively under the guidance or supervision of a neuropsychologist.

Medical treatment may include:

  • Nootropic agents.

These medications enhance cognitive function, stimulate learning and memory and increase the brain’s resistance to various damaging factors. Natural and synthetic nootropics are distinguished. Some examples of natural ones are preparations based on Ginkgo biloba. Synthetic ones include certain amino acids (glycine, glutamic acid), hopantenic acid and aminophenylbutyric acid.

  • Medications that normalize and improve cerebral blood flow, oxygen consumption by neurons, and increase brain cell resistance to hypoxia.
  • Vitamin complexes.

Balanced nutrition recommendations for improving memory include complex carbohydrates, natural sources of B vitamins (e.g., bran), nuts, chocolate, carrots, seaweed, apples, cheese and bananas.

  • Medications for enhancing mental activity ( for example, Modavigil, Armod).

These medications are prescribed when tests are normal and there are no brain diseases. Modavigil and Armod help maintain clarity of thinking throughout the day and even after sleepless nights.

Therapeutic exercises, normalization of physical activity increase overall body tone, stimulate blood circulation and promote endorphin production. All of these enhance cognitive functions and improve memory. The role of cognitive training exercises for improving memory and brain function cannot be overstated. These exercises may be nonspecific, such as learning a new language or master the skills that require attention and learning new information. But, the most effective set of exercises, tailored to the cause of decreased clarity of thinking, the type of impairment and the individual characteristics of the patient, can be proposed and conducted by a specialist—neuropsychologist.