7 ways to overcome insomnia caused by heat

  1. Use natural fabrics.

When choosing bed linen and sleepwear, opt for cotton products. Breathable fabric helps dissipate excess heat and absorbs moisture that appears on the skin during the night. It is also important to choose light-colored bed linens (white, beige or pastel shades) as they reflect heat rather than absorbing it. Dark fabrics can retain heat, so opting for light-colored bedding will help keep your cool. It is worth noting that during extreme heat, experts do not recommend sleeping without clothing.

  1. Cool down your sleeping area.

One of the simplest and most effective methods is to place your sheet in the freezer for 15 minutes and then put it on the bed. During this time, the bedding will accumulate enough coolness, allowing you to fall asleep comfortably. Alternatively, you can use a hot water bottle filled with water and placed in the freezer for about half an hour, then put it under the mattress.

  1. Take a shower.

Taking a shower before bed is particularly necessary in hot weather. Washing away sweat and dust from the skin allows your body to breathe. Additionally, it is one of the easiest ways to lower body temperature, helping you fall asleep quickly. You can also cool down with a cup of cold mint tea with ice. Menthol activates sensory receptors in the mouth, creating a cooling sensation and it also has calming properties.

  1. Do not eat meat before going to bed.

In hot weather, consuming fried, smoked or canned meat before bedtime can lead to stomach heaviness, which disrupts the process of falling asleep. This is because digesting and absorbing protein requires a significant amount of energy. Additionally, blood flow increases to the stomach and decreases to the brain, reducing the production of melatonin, an important sleep hormone.

  1. Create absolute darkness in the room.

During hot periods, limit the use of light bulbs and LEDs as they are additional sources of heat that do not contribute to a comfortable rest. Therefore, it is recommended to turning off lighting devices an hour before sleep. Energy-saving bulbs, which do not heat up significantly, are an exception. It’s also important to remember that melatonin, the crucial sleep hormone, is produced in complete darkness.

  1. Maintain calm and harmony a few hours before bed.

A few hours before sleep, avoid activities that disturb your nervous system, such as watching horror movies, TV shows or playing computer games. Meditation can help you maintain calm and relaxed after a busy day. When you are in a state of calm and harmony, your body will be relaxed and fully prepared for sleep.

  1.  Avoid daytime naps.

Summer heat can be exhausting for your body and may lead to an unconscious desire to nap during the day. However, this habit can contribute to insomnia. If you find it difficult to resist the urge to nap, consider taking Armod and Artvigil. These medications can help you stay productive throughout the day. Avoiding daytime sleep can help overcome insomnia and regulate your sleep schedule.

By following these tips, you’re sure to get a good night’s sleep and be productive every morning.