7 food that disrupt sleep and may cause insomnia

disrupt sleep
  1. Cheese.

If you have a dairy intolerance or allergy and decide to indulge in a cheese platter before going to bed, it will not benefit for your nighttime rest. According to experts, any food intolerance can cause gas and bloating, leading to abdominal pain and discomfort that disrupts sleep quality. Even if you don’t experience issues with digesting dairy products, there is cheese that should be avoided in the evening. For example, aged cheese that contains tyramine, which increases noradrenaline production. In the evening, it’s better to consume goat cheese, feta, or halloumi.

  1. Wine.

Some believe that alcohol invigorates and at the same time promotes sound sleep. But this is a myth. Research shows that consuming alcohol late in the evening increases the likelihood of waking up during the night and generally worsens sleep quality. Also, alcohol can cause snoring, as it is a potent muscle relaxant. Alcohol can also act as a stimulant, which only exacerbates insomnia. If you decide to have a glass of wine in the evening, you may experience decreased mental clarity and attention concentration in the morning. Instead of alcohol, to quickly regain energy for a productive workday, it is recommended to take medications such as Artvigil and Armod.

  1. Flakes with a high sugar content.

Chocolate balls or colorful cereals are definitely not the best choice for dinner (unlike whole-grain options with no added sugar). Sugary breakfast cereals cause blood sugar spikes, which affect sleep quality. For dinner, it is better to choose cereals that contain less than 5 grams of sugar per serving.

  1. Raw onions.

Studies have shown that raw onions can cause severe and prolonged reflux in people prone to heartburn. Eating raw onions before bed can lead to abdominal pain, cramps and other gastrointestinal issues, especially in those with irritable bowel syndrome. Discomfort in the stomach disrupts the process of falling asleep, resulting in weakness and decreased productivity in the morning.

  1. Ultra-processed foods (chips, snacks, french fries).

Consumption of such products leads to excessive synthesis of stress hormones, which disrupts the process of falling asleep. Most of these foods cause inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and excessive bacterial growth, disrupting the functioning of the body. Consuming such foods increases the risk of developing and exacerbating depressive states, which are also accompanied by sleep disturbances.

  1. Beef.

Beef is an excellent source of protein and iron, but it takes a long time to digest. According to experts, it is difficult to digest such food before bed due to its high content of saturated fats and proteins. A beef patty contains approximately 12 times more saturated fat than lean turkey meat. Therefore, it’s better to choose lean meats for dinner that provide your body with essential nutrients for a good night’s sleep.

  1. Processed meat.

If your dinner consists of any type of processed meat, it can also lead to restless sleep. Due to its high sodium content, these products can cause bloating and fluid retention before bed can create discomfort during sleep.