6 drinks that help you fall asleep quickly

  1. Banana milk.

Banana milk can be found on the shelves of large stores or made at home. To prepare banana milk at home, you will need just a few bananas and enough water or plant-based milk (such as almond or soy milk). Banana milk made with water will have a bright fruity flavor, while adding milk will make it creamier and richer. To make a glass of banana milk, simply blend one medium banana with 200 ml. of water or milk. This drink is rich in various beneficial nutrients that falling asleep quickly and deep sleep.

  1. Valerian root tea.

Valerian tea is a medicinal remedy made from the root of the plant, helping to alleviate insomnia and improve sleep quality. To prepare it, use 2 grams of dried valerian root for 240 ml. of boiling water. Let it steep for 15 minutes before drinking. Valerian is different in that it does not alter sleep patterns. After drinking a cup, you will quickly feel sleepy and remained asleep throughout the night.

  1. Grape juice.

This sweet, aromatic drink helps strengthen your nerves. Grape juice provides your body with essential microelements and vitamins, giving you more strength and energy. A glass of this drink before bed effectively relieves daytime tension and helps normalize the sleep process. In the morning, you will always feel refreshed and energetic. Remember to choose only 100% natural juice for these benefits.

  1. Cherry juice.

Cherry juice has a unique content that makes it very beneficial for health. It reduces inflammation and helps with hypertension and other conditions. Cherries contain tryptophan, a valuable substance that promotes quick sleep onset and timely awakening. Research shows that sleep duration can increase by 84 minutes if you regularly consume 2 cups of cherry juice daily for two weeks.

  1. Kefir.

This tasty drink, rich in beneficial bacteria, not only regulates digestive function but also relieves muscle tension and has a calming effect. Kefir is also rich in calcium, which we lose during a sleep.  Despite its positive properties, consider individual body responses before consuming it at bedtime, as some people might experience stomach discomfort or lactose intolerance issues.

  1. Soy drink.

Soy milk is very beneficial for health, containing many vitamins and minerals. Lecithin helps nourish brain cells properly, while phytosterols improve memory and cognitive abilities. For many decades, soy has been used as a medicinal remedy. This drink contains a lot of magnesium, which stabilizes the depth of sleep, and omega-3 fatty acids, which cannot be produced by our body on its own. These fatty acids are crucial for dementia prevention and reducing the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

Research shows that insomnia can lead to the development of various diseases and disrupt the functioning of the entire body. Almost everyone experiences fatigue, mood swings, decreased agility, speed and mental clarity the day after a sleepless night. Therefore, to regulate your sleep patterns, it is recommended consuming beneficial drinks that aid in falling asleep more quickly. Also remember, if you have daytime drowsiness due to insomnia and there is a need to restore mental clarity, you can consider using Waklert and Artvigil, which can help restore your energy for daily activities.