5 reasons for sleepiness during rain

  1. Decrease in atmospheric pressure.

A drop in atmospheric pressure causes heart rhythms to adjust, leading to reduced oxygen flow to all cells. This results in fatigue and a desire to rest. Sleep acts as a form of protection and many people report feeling much better after sleeping.

  1. Weakened immune system.

People with weakened immune systems often experience a greater desire to rest during rainy weather due to the noticeable lack of oxygen in their bodies. Typically, the darkened sky during rain leads to the production of hormones that induce sleepiness. As a result, individuals feel the need to rest and recharge.

  1. Feelings of sadness and anxiety.

In rainy weather, everything around turns gray and gloomy, which negatively affects those who prefer bright colors. This causes subconscious sadness and sometimes even anxiety, as thunderstorms with lightning and thunder can be frightening. As a result, individuals instinctively tries to hide, leading to feelings of weakness and sleepiness.  While this sleep might be restless, it helps psychologically cope with these feelings. The rhythmic sounds of raindrops can have a hypnotic effect, calming the mind, particularly if a person has been under stress or mental strain. In this case, sleep during rain naturally protects the nervous system and psychologists generally recommend not resisting it.

  1. Meditative sound of rain.

The sound of raindrops is often used in music for meditation or during psychotherapy sessions. Scientists have long noted the positive impact of these sounds on people’s well-being. During rain, the nervous system fulfills its natural needs, which a person might not consciously recognize, leading to sleepiness. Specialists recommend paying attention to your condition and resting for at least 30 to 50 minutes.

  1. Nature’s aroma.

In recent years, scientists have discovered another reason for sleepiness during rain, related to natures’ scents. Plants, especially during dry periods, produce specific oils that slow their growth due to a lack of water. During rain, these oils are washed away, mixing with the aromas of plants and soil, enhancing their scent. This scent affects people by calming and relaxing them. Sometimes, the unique plant odors can have therapeutic effects that are intensified during rain, making walks and sleep during rain beneficial for certain conditions, such as lung and heart issues.

Feeling sleepy during rainy weather is a natural process with physiological, biological and natural justifications. There is no need to resist it, as this sleep restores pressure, calms the nervous system, allows for rest and contributes to overall health improvement. But if you need to overcome daytime sleepiness and restore clarity of thinking, it is recommended to take Modalert and Artvigil. Using these medications can help you stay productive even in bad weather.