- Lower blood pressure.
In spring, many people experience a drop in blood pressure, which directly affects well-being and productivity. The main cause of this phenomenon is the expansion of blood vessels in response to rising temperatures. Additionally, changes in hormonal levels also contribute to blood pressure instability. In spring, the level of serotonin, which is responsible for good mood, increases, but at the same time, the level of melatonin, which regulates biorhythms, decreases. As a result, many people feel that they cannot concentrate during the day, even if they have had a good night’s sleep. In addition, fluctuations in atmospheric pressure and changes in weather from sunny to rainy make it even more difficult for the body to adapt to the change of season. This often leads to symptoms of low blood pressure, slowing down cognitive and physical reactions. This condition is especially common among people prone to hypotension. If you know your body is sensitive to such changes, try to stay active, spend more time outdoors and ensure you get quality sleep.
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